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оригинальное название фильма A Song to Remember Жанр: драма, биография, музыка Продолжительность: мин Мировая премьера: 18 января 1945 США 1945.01.18 (выход в прокат) Швеция 1945.10.08 (выход в прокат) Финляндия 1946.11.15 (выход в прокат) Португалия 1946.12.21 (выход в прокат) |
BBC: The Genius Of Beethoven (2005) * Episode 1: The Rebel - Original Air Date - 3 June 2005 * Episode 2: Love & Loss - Original Air Date - 10 June 2005 * Episode 3: Faith & Fury - Original Air Date - 17 June 2005 A powerful, moving and accurate docudrama based on the life of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Paul Rhys’s masterful portrayal of Beethoven is particularly noteworthy, doing well to vividly convey the isolation and despair Beethoven experienced throughout his life, while insightful narration from the popular conductor, composer and presenter Charles Hazlewood does well to add a sophisticated educational dimension to the series. Beethoven was the grandson of a musician of Flemish origin who was also named Ludwig van Beethoven (1712–1773). The elder Ludwig was employed as a bass singer at the court of the Elector of Cologne, rising to become Kapellmeister (music director). He had one son, Johann van Beethoven (1740–1792), who worked as a tenor in the same musical establishment, also giving lessons on piano and violin to supplement his income. Johann married Maria Magdalena Keverich in 1767; she was the daughter of Johann Heinrich Keverich, who had been the head chef at the court of the Archbishopric of Trier. House of birth, Bonn, Bonngasse 20, now the Beethoven-Haus museum. Beethoven was born of this marriage in Bonn, probably on 16 December 1770, and baptized the next day. Children of that era were usually baptized the day after birth, but there is no documentary evidence that this occurred in Beethoven’s case. |
Nationalité: Français , italien Langue: Français Type de film: Long-métrage
Antonio Vivaldi est né un 4 mars 1679 à Venise. |
Directed by: Simon Cellan Jones Produced by: Liza Marshall Written by : Nick Dear Starring: Ian Hart, Tim Pigott-Smith, Anton Lesser, Frank Finlay Music by: Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Distributed by: BBC Release date(s): 2003 Running time: 129 minutes Language: English The film is set in Vienna on June 9, 1804, the date of the private, first performance of Beethoven’s third symphony, later to be known as the ‘Eroica’. The performance, and most of the action in the film, takes place at the palace of one of Beethoven’s patrons, Prince Franz Lobkowitz. Midway during the performance, Beethoven tries to get his lover, a widow named Josephine von Deym, to marry him, but she refuses because of the unfair laws regarding child custody — she is a member of the nobility, and cannot marry a commoner without losing custody of her children. Later, composer Joseph Haydn, now old and feeble, arrives just in time to hear the last movement of the symphony. During the last few minutes of the symphony, the film flashes forward, and we see Beethoven going to dinner with his pupil, Ferdinand Ries, where he is told that Napoleon has just declared himself Emperor of France, thereby completely betraying Beethoven's faith in him. In a rage, he crumples up the title page of his symphony, which he originally intended to call the "Bonaparte". As he leaves the performance, Haydn is asked his opinion of the symphony, which he describes as "quite new", and then utters his now-famous and prophetic comment, "From this day forward, everything [in music] is changed". The film ends on a grim note; as the performance of the Eroica ends, Beethoven looks at his audience and is momentarily unable to hear any natural sounds — an ominous sign of his approaching deafness. |
BBC documentary with James Rhodes to commemorate Chopin bicentennial 2010 Documentary about the life of the great pianist and composer Chopin and the story of the women whose voices inspired his music. It is undeniable that Chopin revolutionized the nature of music composed for the piano both technically and emotionally. What is less well known is that the actual musical instrument that provided his greatest source of inspiration was the female voice. To mark the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth, this film follows young pianist James Rhodes on a journey to Warsaw, Paris and London to discover the real women who had such a powerful influence on the composer. Exploring the events of Chopin’s life, Rhodes encounters the singers who enchanted the composer with their voices: Konstancja, a young soprano and the object of his teenage affections; Delfina, the sexually notorious Polish Parisian emigre countess; fellow composer and opera singer Pauline Viardot; and, during the final few months of his life, the Swedish operatic superstar Jenny Lind. Threaded through the narrative of the film is a selection of Chopin’s piano music performed by Rhodes, while rising young opera singer Natalya Romaniw performs some of the signature arias that thrilled Chopin. |
TÍTULO ORIGINAL: Antonio Vivaldi, un prince à Venise AÑO: 2006 DURACIÓN: 95 min. PAÍS: GÉNERO: Drama, Drama de epoca - Siglo XVIII DIRECTOR: Jean-Louis Guillermou GUIÓN: Jean-Louis Guillermou PRODUCTORA: Vivaldi Productions SINOPSIS: Venecia, siglo XVIII. Antonio Vivaldi, uno de los más grandes compositores europeos de todos los tiempos, apodado el Sacerdote Rojo por ser sacerdote y pelirrojo y reconocido por sus magistrales composiciones, sufre sin embargo los constantes ataques de la Iglesia y del Obispo de Venecia en concreto, que no aprueba su estilo de vida ni ve con buenos ojos su especial relación con la hermosa y joven soprano Anna Giro... |
Dirección: Dominique de Rivaz. Países: Alemania y Suiza. Año: 2003. Duración: 97 min. Género: Drama. Interpretación: Vadim Glowna (Johann Sebastian Bach), Jürgen Vogel (Frederico II de Prusia), Anatole Taubman (Friedemann Bach), Paul Herwig (Emanuel Bach), Karoline Herfurth (Princesa Amalia), Antje Westermann (Johanna Bach), Gilles Tschudi (Goltz), Phillippe Vuilleumier (Profesor Quantz), Bernhard Liègme (Lakai Stumm). Guión: Jean-Luc Bourgeois, Dominique de Rivaz y Leo Raat. Producción: Karl Baumgartner, Uta Ganschow, Thanassis Karathanos, Jean-Louis Porchet y Gérard Ruey. Música: Frédéric Devreese. Fotografía: Ciro Cappellari. Montaje: Isabel Meier. Diseño de producción: Lothar Holler. Vestuario: Friederike von Wedel-Parlow, Regina Teideken y Britta Krähe. Estreno en Alemania: 8 Abril 2004. Estreno en España: 14 Julio 2006. SINOPSIS Muy poca gente sabe que Johann Sebastian Bach (Vadim Glowna) y Federico II de Prusia (Jürgen Vogel) se encontraron en mayo de 1747, en Postdam. El monarca era un gran amante de la música y admirador del anciano maestro; Bach, que en ese momento tenía 65 años, había realizado un largo viaje desde Leizpig para asistir al bautizo de su primer nieto. Su encuentro movió a dos mundos que chocaron entre sí, provocando unos contrapuntos increíbles de sentimientos diversos: admiración, envidia, esperanza y decepción... |
Dominique de Rivaz: Mein Name ist BachInhaltsangabe:
Im Mai 1747 reist Johann Sebastian Bach (Vadim Glowna), der
zweiundsechzigjährige, nahezu erblindete Thomaskantor in Leipzig, mit
seinem ältesten Sohn Wilhelm Friedemann (Anatole Taubman) nach Berlin.
Dort gebar seine Schwiegertochter Johanna (Antje Westermann) kürzlich
ihr erstes Kind, und er soll als Taufpate fungieren. Johanna ist die
Ehefrau von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Paul Herwig), dem
Kammercembalisten von König Friedrich II. |
The Best Classical Music Documentary Films Episode 7Hans Conrad Fischer Movie Collection 4 videos | 7:42:56 duration Playlist: 1. The Life of Bach (A film by Hans Conrad Fischer) The official biographical film on J.S. Bach by film director Hans Conrad Fischer, produced for the 300th anniversary of Bach's birth, shot on location and featuring excerpts from many of Bach's works. 2. The Life of Mozart (A film by Hans Conrad Fischer) An enlightening film on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart by Hans Conrad Fischer. Filmed on location and featuring renowned artists performing many excerpts from Mozart's Oeuvre.
3. The Life of Beethoven (A film by Hans Conrad Fischer) 4. The Life of Anton Bruckner (A film by Hans Conrad Fischer) This beautiful and rare film documents Anton Bruckner's entire life in the form of narrative and actual quotations...his triumphs, defeats, joys, passions, friends and enemies from his birth to his death. It reveals to us the man himself and his extraordinary art. With scenes and footage from his home, his landscapes, his travels and workplaces offers us the rare opportunity to understand and know Bruckner like never before. The film is interlaced with selections and excerpts from his symphonies, choral and chamber music filmed on location in the beautiful architectural baroque churches of Germany and Austria. NARRATORS: Hugh Burden and John Sharp. RESEARCH ADVISER: Leopold Novak. PRODUCED and DIRECTED BY: Hans Conrad Fischer. With rare video and sound footage of.... CONDUCTORS: Eugen Jochum, Rudolf Kempe, Rafael Kubelik, Kurt Eichhorn and Karl Bohm. SINGERS: Kurt Moll and Wieslav Ochmann. INSTRUMENTAL SOLOISTS: Amadeus Quartet and Cecil Aronowitz and Augustinus Franz Kropfreite |
Название: Моцарт Mozart Длительность: 85 мин. Год: 1982 Производство: Бельгия, Италия, Канада, Франция, Швейцария Режиссёр: Марсель БлювальАктёр: Констанце Энгельбрехт, Jean-Fran?ois Dichamp, Кэрол Цубер, Мартин Шевалье, Кристоф Банцер, Мишель Буке, Дитлинде Турбан, Мишель Омон, Александр Керст, Жан-Клод Бриали, Луиз Мартини, Мадлен Робинсон, Энн-Мари Кастер, Monika Salcak, Стефано Сатта Флорес, Peter Pasetti, Жан-Пьер Сантье, Carlo Rivolta, Даниэль Секкальди, Герд Бёкман Сценарий: Беатрис Рубинштейн, F?licien Marceau, Марсель Блюваль, Jean Mistler Оператор: Иштван Хильдебранд, Рене Матлен Описание: Сериал о жизни и творчестве одного из самых любимых и почитаемых классических композиторов - Вольфганге Амадее Моцарте. |